Press Room
Wayne State University
Thomas Court
Co-Director, Music Department
Wayne State University
Detroit, Michigan
"These Sonic Equalizer Panels have met and exceeded our expectations."
" night-and-day results..."
"These panels totally eliminated all modal issues we had in our control room"
"Our mixing sweet spot opened up to include the producers seating area and in all places ... music became even in image, volume and fidelity."
Golden Acoustics' Sonic Equalizer Panels created... "A phase-accurate live space with uncanny properties equating efficiency and articulation of sound.
"...I can now hear the detailed background ambiance..."
"You can have several conversations occurring without the additive volume increase you may experience in say a restaurant or conference room. Visitors to our studio control room ... have repeatedly commented how easily it is to hear clearly when multiple conversations are going on all while music is being played in the background."
Just wanted to say, Thank you. Thank you for the unbelievable transformation in Ozone studio Y. We can't say enough, how amazing our experience with you guys has been. First, is the hands on service. No other company would or could bring out the designer himself to layout the room (Install and everything!) AWESOME! The audible difference is astonishing. The bass response of the room has been completely evened out. The other frequencies are so precise, we have actually found ourselves monitoring at lower levels with better end mix results than ever before. Our clients have commented repeatedly on, the appearance, which I will add is totally unique, as well as the sound quality. From the client position in the room, they get a sweet spot virtually the same as if in the engineer's position. The vocal booth is also a night and day transformation. We had some real issues with that soffet and the large glass window. The sonic eq's have made this room so smooth, and the proximity effect normally associated with small V/O and tracking rooms is near completely gone. I can now say with confidence that we have one of the best sounding V/O - tracking rooms in the business. It is sweet on acoustic guitars as well. We are so proud to be on the cutting edge with you guys, and are definitely going to retrofit Ozone studio X as well. Starting with the V/O room immediately. This product will definitely change acoustic design, as we know it. Thanks guys, and please feel free to have your other prospective clients give a call or e-mail with any questions. Yeah, we feel that good about it!
The Ozone Brothers
Marty Peters
Chris Hugan